Absence Form
If your dancer will be missing class (sickness, trips, school activities, etc.) Please complete the Absence Form.
Elite dancers must contact instructors directly if missing rehearsals. Do not use the absence form.
Drop A Class Form
You cannot drop your dancer from your end; the studio must do it.
Students are continually enrolled in classes from month to month unless written notice is received. Not showing up to class, not calling or emailing does not constitute automatic withdrawal from a class(es). Instructors are not permitted to withdraw dancers, and the office cannot accept verbal withdrawals. All withdrawals should be sent directly to Brittany Cody at brittany.cody@brittanycodydancecompany.com Students that miss 3 or more classes consecutively may be withdrawn from the missed class(es) and must re-register if they plan to return, if the class is still available. There are no refunds or credits issued for drops received after September 30th. If no written notice is received, tuition is still owed and accounts will continue to occur monthly charges and late fees.